About Latter Rain Christian Fellowship Church
History of Latter Rain Christian Fellowship Church
Latter Rain Christian Fellowship, formerly known as Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ, was among the first Pentecostal churches to emerge in the New England area beginning in 1922 on Talcott Street in Hartford, CT. The church's progression over several decades has been under the guidance of several great leaders right up to our current pastors, Hubert and Jacquelyn Powell. Throughout time, the church has stood not only as a source of strength, but also a sanctuary for soul-winning and miracles, and a renewal of faith in the Hartford community.
Today, Latter Rain Church stands as an energetic, charismatic, and cutting-edge ministry, which combines a ninety-eight year history of the Pentecostal movement and Christian principles.
The ministry deals with "The Whole Being" and is firmly planted in the Word of God. The church has an enormous appeal to all ages, and souls continue to be won, and lives continue to be changed by the preaching and teaching of the Gospel.
Over the years, the church has gone on to broaden its borders.
The ministry of Latter Rain touches other nations and this year the church celebrates its 22nd year of international ministry in the country of Japan.
Other countries that have been touched by this ministry includes: Ivory Coast, West Africa, Paris, France and Guyana, South America.
We now endeavor to complete the vision that God has assigned to us which is to produce "healthy Christians" for the kingdom of God and to have an impact in our communities and in the world.
We wish to express through these pages how great and Awesome God is and to make you aware that
He is still near and available to you today.
Psalms 149:3
Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp.
The ministry believes in outreaches in the community and has participated on various levels through food drives, community festivals, clothing drives, and hosting conferences made available to edify the city.
Ministries of Latter Rain Christian Fellowship Church
About Pastors Powell
Biographies of Pastor Hubert Powell & Co-Pastor Jacquelyn Powell

Pastor Hubert Powell, Jr.
Hubert L. Powell, Jr. is a visionary, captivating yet humble leader who serves as pastor of Latter Rain Christian Fellowship Ministry in his home town of Hartford, Connecticut. As the beloved son of the late Deacon Hubert and Mrs. Edith Powell, he was raised in Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ and educated in the Hartford school system. The call of leadership and mentorship was evident in his life at an early age, and he was acknowledged for his immense musical talent as evidenced by the various venues where his gifts were utilized. After going on tour with the renowned jazz organist, Groove Holmes, he continued as a professional musician and worked on projects with various secular music artists such as Wood, Brass & Steel and Musique.
In March of 1979, Hubert Powell heard the voice of God and gave his life to the Lord. He left the secular world of music to submit to the call of preaching and teaching God's word. His lifetime pastor, the late great Bishop I. L. Jefferson, recognized the potential that God has placed in him, and elevated Hubert Powell, first as minister and then an elder at the church.
The call of God on his life quickly began to manifest as numerous invitations for him to bless others with his testimony of deliverance began to be extended. In 1985, Elder Hubert Powell was appointed and humbly accepted the position of pastor of Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ in Hartford, CT after the death of Bishop I. L. Jefferson.
As the ministry progressed, the Lord gave Pastor Hubert the vision to take the church to the next level and in September of 1998, the church entered phase one of the new church edifice, which is located at 3200 Main Street, Hartford, CT. It was also during this transitional phase, that the name of Holy Trinity Church changed to Latter Rain Christian Fellowship Church. Assisting him for the past 26 years in his pastoral ministry is his industrious and anointed wife of thirty-nine years, Co-Pastor Jacquelyn E. Powell. Pastors Hubert and Jacquelyn Powell are the proud parents of three sons, Hubert "Doobie" Powell, III, William "Church Boy" Powell, and Kevin Powell. In addition, they have been blessed with two daughters-in-laws: Denise Rene and Joi, and five granddaughters and one grandson. The call of leadership and mentorship that started in Pastor Hubert Powell has now trickled down to his three sons, who are not only dedicated musicians at Latter Rain Church, but are also acknowledged and highly respected musicians in the gospel industry.
Co-Pastor Jacquelyn Powell
Jacquelyn E. Powell is an inspiring, anointed and vivacious woman of God who not only works diligently alongside her husband, Pastor Hubert Powell, but also is a mentor and leader to women worldwide as she encourages and motivates them to embrace their destiny. She was born in Springfield, MA and attended Springfield school systems and later focused her studies at Springfield Community College. In addition to her administrative duties at Latter Rain Church, she also serves God through her profound preaching and musical talents. Her powerful, bold and dynamic sermons have impacted so many throughout the nations that she continues to receive invitations from people of various cultures, genres and countries. In her unrelenting efforts to go after and cultivate the vision that God has spoken to her life, Pastor Jackie has founded Embracing Your Destiny Ministry.
More information on her phenomenal missionary work can be found on the website:

Pastors Hubert and Jackie Powell still share a great love for God's anointed music and have brought forth numerous inspiring and highly acclaimed musical projects at Latter Rain Christian Fellowship Ministry. Please take an opportunity to visit the Music Ministry Page of this website to further enjoy and learn about the Pastor.
Hubert's musical accomplishments and the music ministry of Latter Rain. If you are interested, please email us to purchase the talented and inspirational music by the Powell family members.
Pastor Hubert and Jacquelyn Powell have been consistent and compassionate people of God who have touched so many people in both the secular and spiritual sector. The Word resides in the pastors of Latter Rain and we thank God for their unselfish wisdom and insight as well as their never-ending love for the people of God. It is their wish that no one would perish and they want to see everyone experience the awesomeness of God in their lives.